Thursday, October 14, 2010


I'm about half way through the current quarter with only two more to go until I finally graduate from COTC. Its been an interesting ride this far and I can't wait to get off the train. I've picked up an insane amount of new tools that have helped me to build my graphical design skills further.

The plan? Graduate. Then find a job that likes giving me money. Then? That free time I forgot existed; I'll take it back happily to focus on music once again.

I like the home stretch; it's a good place to be right now.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Graduating! That sounds nice... For once I'd like to have only one thing going on... Well two... Collin + Work
    You need to have that house warming party dork! In fact, I'm going to send you a text right now that you will ignore to harass you about it!
